1. 14th Century Harbour Tolls
2. 17th Century Coastal Trade
3. 1846 Report by the Harbour Commission
4. Additional Supplement to a Report on Scarborough Harbour in 1829 (1831)
5. Argument over Plans for Scarborough Harbour (18th Century)
6. Condition of the Pier (31/10/1889)
7. Early History and Port Statistics
8. East Pier, Castle Headland and The Holms (Coastal Protection Works, Scarborough)
9. History of Scarborough Harbour
10. Ports and Harbours of the UK: Scarborough
11. Scarborough Com. Ebor. Articles and Byelaws
12. Scarborough Harbour (1153 - 1972)
13. Scarborough Harbour Act, 1731
14. Scarborough Harbour Act, 1751
15. Scarborough Harbour Record (1614)
16. Scarborough Imports and Exports in the 17th Century
17. Scarborough Outer Breakwater (25/4/1890)
18. Scarborough Pier Act, 1545
19. Scarborough Port, 1823 (Baines Directory)
20. Scarborough Shipping, 1529
21. The National Archives: Search on Keywords 'Scarborough Harbour'
22. The Parish of Scarborough and the North Sea Fishing Industry in the 13th Century
23. William Chapman (1810 - 1811)
Courtesy of the Scarborough Archaeological & Historical Society, here is a map showing the growth of the harbour over the centuries: