Featured Articles

On this page we will add links to our newest articles so you don't have to keep searching the site every time you visit.

If you don't find what you are looking for please use the 'Search Box' at the top of every page.

HMS Hood and HMS Repulse visit Scarborough in 1926.

Captain Peter Simpson lifestory from Graham Sea Training School to Merchant Navy Captain.

Harbour history and statistics 1960s to 1980s

Scarborough suffragettes

Scarborough Memories - audio recordings of local people & transcripts

Self righting lifeboat by Sir George Cayley

New Videos - interview by Dr Sam Willis with our chairman, heritage slideshow & vintage films

What does the sea do for you? - Explains the benefits to us of the seas & oceans.

William Milner - Preventive / Coastguard Officer

Some of our most interesting artefacts from our collection

Scarborough's old street signs restored by us

Crossing the International Date Line and Equator at the same time

Travel the world from Scarborough directly East or South

Sheader Family Tree

Player cigarette cards from 1939 of modern naval craft

Victorian / Edwardian pirate story magic lantern slides

Brilliant article on Grimsby fishermen at work and war

Sea Wall Heritage Trail - Portholes in Time

Memories of growing up in Scarborough in the 60s by Colin Scales

Warwick Tower

Water Chute

HM Submarine G3


Sailing ship Success

The Grand Turk

Sea Car

Baltic Timber

Scarborough ships involved in slavery

Fishing industry protests to council in 1900

Underwater Archaeology Course by Matt Newsome

Record Tunny Catch written by Ryan Sheader

Old Scarborough Postcards and their messages

An article about our volunteer Lindy Rowley and why she is involved in the SMHC

An article about our volunteer Captain Peter Simpson and why he is involved in the SMHC

A controversial account of the 1914 bombardment of Scarborough

Dennis Atkinson Autobiography

Pancake / Skipping Day in Scarborough

UK fishing ports with steam trawlers

New article on Stanley Tipper who attended Graham Sea Training School in the 1920s

New article on 'Sinking the Tirpitz' by Ian Baird

Maritime Careers Week and a 1st hand account of offshore windfarm work by Scaborough's Matt Newsome

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day, May 8th 2020, we have created some new webpages looking at Scarborough in World War 2, click here for a list.​

Extracts from the Harbour Master's Logbook 1906 to 1908 can be read here.

SS Betty Hindley, last merchant vessel lost from a WW2 seamine in 1947.

Nuclear bomb test 1952

1902 list of some Scarborough trades & shops

5 minute narrated video of Scarborough's history.

Colin & Will Jenkinson talk fishing plus Mark Vesey on maritime history.

Humber Keel boat 100 years old and still going

News about the world's smallest heritage centre in Scarborough

Dora Walker, first female skipper on the Yorkshire Coast

Special Wireless Section story WW2

Whitby and Hull trawler photos

Grimsby Trawlers website

An article on Ship's Biscuits

Historic map with old pictures

Seaweed farming on the Yorkshire Coast

Scarborough fisherman talks to a Syrian refugee

A 1 hour long American podcast about the origins and versions of the folk song 'Scarborough Fair (SMHC features from 33 to 49 minutes)

4 minute video of our 10th agm slideshow looking back over what we have achieved

Memories of fishing in the 1970s

History of ‘Fahyda’ and the ‘Scarborough Class’ Sloops​

WW1 Centenary data for Scarborough deaths

Rowlocks and Thole Pins

Adshead Report on Scarborough 1938

Royal Navy Rum Barrel


Scarborough A - Z boat index, George Scales.

Ship's medicine chest

Scarborough fleet 2017

Ratapiko trawler SH39

Schermuly Rocket Line Pistol

Fishing boots, T Beanland & Sons: 

Video about fishermen and mine sweeping in world war one: Mine Sweeping

Important dates in Scarborough's history: Scarborough Timeline

New arrivals - Harbour Master's logbooks going back over 100 years: Logbooks

U-Boat attack on South Bay September 1917: U-boat article

Brief history of Scarborough Spa: Scarborough Spa article

Mrs Casper gave us a copy of a fascinating letter written by a Royal Navy man on board HMS Revenge in November 1918. He was taking part in the surrender of the German Fleet.  Read the letter here: HMS Revenge letter

Danny Normandale gave us a tour of his trawler.  See the videos here: Videos

Articles on world war one: World War articles

Alfredo the accordionist played on board the Coronia, read his Italian family story: Alfredo's history

What the sea means to me, comments by local people: Quotes

Scarborough's steam trawlers had individually painted boiler funnels:  Steam trawler funnels

King Richard III house on Sandside, by Jeremy Clark Richard House online pdf

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01723 369361
45 Eastborough, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 1NH, England

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Opening times

11am - 4pm
11am - 4pm
11am - 4pm
11am - 4pm
11am - 4pm
Registered charity No 1144532. Company No 06755717.